Monday, November 29, 2010

Advertising Law for Small Business

One question I find myself answering is why I merged my practice with Robin Kravitz' practice. This is simple: to offer my clients more services. Protecting intellectual property is only one aspect to a business. The business needs to use its intellectual property in order to have customers and bring customers back.

This is why we will be speaking about advertising law issues in another free seminar.

Come and join us at North Jersey Federal Credit Union for the second seminar in a series of four presented by Kravitz & Verna LLC. We will discuss Advertising Law for Small Businesses on December 1, 2010 at 5:30 PM.

North Jersey Federal Credit Union
711 Union Blvd
Totowa, NJ 07512 US

We will watch commercials from various eras and review print ads and discuss the following topics:

  • How advertising is affected by the various areas of law
  • Truthfulness and claims
  • Creation, Production, Placement and what agreements are needed with agencies
  • Best business practices

Please RSVP to Anthony Verna by replying to this e-mail or James Giffin at



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